The Sessions Color Calculator is an interactive color wheel that helps designers select HTML, RGB, or CMYK colors and identifies color harmonies and schemes. Our Color Wheel works faster than any other color wheel or html color chart.
Designers may save HTML safe color values, CMYK color schemes, or RGB colors to an integrated clipboard and email the colors to colleagues or clients. You can also rotate shapes on the color wheel to identify harmonious color schemes, adjust the saturation and lightness of colors, or select a color plan to use for a corporate identity or design project.
Colors may be selected and applied to both print and Web design – the Sessions color wheel color calculator saves hours of work. A color scheme can be further refined by choosing different designs or patterns with different complexity levels.
For a thorough examination of Color, its systems, interactions and how to advantageously use this knowledge in art and design, please see Color Theory.
Requires Flash Plug-in 5.0 or later!
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