The Latest News
The Onion
Online newspapers have never been as accurate as this.
More satirical stories, mostly IT-related.
Sadly ceased updating, but the archives are great.
God's LiveJournal
The Big Guy has a blog these days.
Online Comics
Calvin & Hobbes
It's online. For free. Read it.
For gamers every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Red Meat
Sick, sick, sick. An online comic that is occasionally very funny.
Come on, you must know this one.
Weebl And Bob
Mmmmm... pie.
Just Plain Funny
Homestar Runner
It's Dot Com! This should only be viewed for good, or awesome.
Photoshop shenanigans, because We Love The Web.
Keepers of Lists
The Top 100 Ways To Find Monks Funny.
Real Ultimate Power!
Ninjas are cool. And by cool, I mean totally sweet.
Dave Barry
Hilarious newspaper columns.
A little of everything.
Archive of newsgroup humour... a LOT of it.
The Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Prize
The worst possible opening lines to fictitious books.
The Writings On The Stall
Wit and wisdom of the world's public toilets.
The Dialectizer
Translates into languages you never knew existed.
Evil On A Budget
World domination to suit any financial means.
Citizen's Self-Arrest Form
Celebrate innovative new measures in crime prevention!
Temple Ov Thee Lemur
Erm, I'm not quite sure I can explain this one.
Happy Tree Friends
Aww! Cute little animals! Warning: don't click if you like cute cartoon animals.
Weebl's Stuff
Badger badger badger...
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